Darkstar is a kinky adult VN that follows Syraeth and Vulraen- a pair of dark elven warriors that must put a stop to denizens of the dark below coming up and wrecking their things while still having time to engage in BDSM because they really, really like each other.
Elves in Nhera don't follow human ideas of gender and all that, but you can probably consider this an M/M romance.
It's mostly just me, Elventrail, working on it since I can't afford to pay other devs + I could never find other folk interested in working on a project. I've taken the last several years to teach myself coding, animation, UI design, storytelling, etc. with the intention to start making VNs.
I've decided to invest my unpaid time into making a solid demo for Darkstar first to hopefully convince others that it's worth supporting to completion.
It takes too many unpaid hours to work this way long term- I need to focus on paid work. I want to use crowdfunding because I'm not a large studio that can pump out a massive game and charge 70+ for it (and then have gamers complain that big companies don't know what they want but I digress.)
This allows me to stay non-commercial and have a more personal communication with those that want to support my work.

I've invested into at least one animation so far and am working on the rest of the art for the first few minutes of the story. The UI assets are mostly complete and functional and look rather nice if I do say so myself.
I'll release the first pre-alpha to patrons in the Discord #patron-content channel soon.

Dark is in the name. If you don't think you will like themes such as BDSM, bondage, dubious consent, slavery, incest- all of these have a chance of appearing or mention in the story, given the culture of the main cast.
The realm is Nhera, with its own rich history, lore and rules. Not every creature in Nhera adheres to real-world human expectations of morality, gender, perception and politics and some readers may find this work of complete fiction offensive.

If you'd like to get immersed in a world inspired by some of our favourite dark fantasies, then you might enjoy it. You have been warned.

"He dipped his head, not waiting for permission, and met Syraeth's mouth in a  kiss that was as savage as it was thrilling. A guttural moan rumbled in his chest, a sound both primal and possessive. Claws scraped against bare skin as Vulraen pressed closer, the warmth of Syraeth's body a delicious counterpoint to the fire coursing through his veins."