Dev Update 12/2024: New exciting feature!

Hey guys!
I'm back with another development update! Good news, V0.12 is nearing completion. It's packed with awesome stuff for you!
I would like to introduce you to a new feature today!
Many times you have requested that your harem members can live with you in your house. With V0.12 this will now become a reality!
You can invite up to four harem members to your home to fill it with some life!
To do so, you summon the girl as usual and hit the option "Stay at my house".

The girl will then appear in one of four possible locations, either in MC's room, the bathroom, the living room or the garden.
The girl's location changes randomly whenever you fast forward time or start a new day.
With the "find me!" app you can always keep track of where your girls are.

Upon clicking on them, you can summon or dismiss them.

For the sake of preventing overlapping sprites, I have decided to only allow up to four women in your house at a time.
Because of the limited space in MC's room and in the bathroom, only one woman can be present at a time. In the living room and garden, all four can appear simultaneously.
As soon as you invite them to stay in your house, they do just that, they stay in your house. This means that they can no longer be found anywhere else in the open world.
When a girl gets pregnant, she leaves your house and stays at home with herself, just as she did before.