May | Poll #2 - Lilligant Post-TF Sequence
There is a lack of Focus Lines in this comic, so as compensation, I increased the spiral count. Originally the background was hand drawn spirals, but I wanted to increase the density of them and eventually figured making a brush for future use would be good to have. I ended up needing to draw the crown at several different angles, and I was unsure how to make it look alright.
I also originally intended for the final frame to be a bit different, but as I was adjusting the panel where the character is trying to "walk", I gave them a stick to act as a bit of a walking cane to further emphasize their attempts of struggling to figure out movement. Afterward, I decided they should use it as a weapon. The rough of the original intended frame is still in the source file.
The entire comic is based off an image I saw elsewhere a while ago (The Beautifly attacking the flower of Lilligant; Page 9), much like the Mismagius sequence was sort of based on another image I saw. I wanted more of that situation but in the context of TF so it kept it in the back of my mind until I saw an opportunity to draw it.