State of Subscribe Star Update!

Heya everyone!

So this past week has been… a lot. In a good way though!

I’m sure many of you noticed, as that’s how you found it, but I finally started being more active about promoting my Substar. Even with the annoying delays on Darkest Daycare, I’ve still been productive and able to maintain an output of art these past few months that I haven’t been able to do in 2 years. So, I finally felt comfortable actually sharing the link here.

And that has been genuinely phenomenal. I have been completely lost for words on just how much support I’ve had from all of you. I understand subscriber numbers ebb and flow, but you all have blown past every goal I’ve set. To be blunt, I did not think people actually cared about my own art that much. I thought without the allure of commissions, there would be less interest. I am so wrong on that. For any of you that see my twitter, I finally made an actual fursona and it is because of all this support that I am working to get over my fears of being more personally involved in things. 

Still have so many thoughts, but, bordering on being a blubbering mess just typing this much. Thank you all so, so much.


With all that said, I am tweaking the stated goals/output I am trying to achieve on Substar. I completely forgot I originally planned for just ‘one’ comic page a month, and have been making 3 each month instead. I like that amount of work going into this space, but it’s going to be a bit less rigid on ‘Comic pages’. I think I’m ready to start a longer comic (~20 pages), and I want to make sure I can do smaller animations too. 

So the new output plan is:

2 Comic pages per month, at least 1 of which is for a longer comic.

1 Animated piece per month

1 “Wildcard” slot, be it a comic page, fan art, practice for larger projects etc. Anything that Strikes my fancy that month basically.

Updated larger project timeline:

Darkest Daycare, a Darkest Dungeon mod; going to be completed mid to end of June. 
Decided against a Rimworld mod due to delays on Darkest and a stronger desire to start my own games

Retro style 3D Platformer: Once Darkest is complete, goal is to start and finish a simple platformer game. I’ve actually made some very simple ones in the past, and I don’t plan to deviate much from ‘Unity Tutorial guide’ mechanic wise. Completed between September and October this year.

Point and Click Adventure-Game: Again, a simple straightforward project. Started once the Platformer is done, and ideally finished by the end of 2024.

The goal with all these projects is to get enough experience to make a larger, distinct game throughout 2025. 

As always, if you have any questions you can shoot me a message!

Thank you for reading all this, and I’m excited to work through all of this with ya’ll.