
A 'tiny one piece with ample boob squish and thigh band, with matching sandals.
Includes polyester and metallic material options and a toggle for the thigh band.

Top is available for YAB S/M/L, YAMasc Flat, and Uranus Redux with Rue and Buff variants;
and YAB Mini and Lavabod Teardrop with Rue variants.
Legs are available for Watermelon and Skull Crushers, YAB Mini, and Lavabod with Hotdog and Rue variants.

Design inspired by chochomi00.

>>> This mod REQUIRES Better Pubes Framework material to be installed (it can be set to None if you don't want to use them), or a base body which includes them such as YAB, Rue, or Lavabod, or your legs will not appear. <<<
Nyl's Hotdog for Bibo+ is required for Hotdog options.

UPDATE -  3.0.0 - Added YAS compatibility. Updated Hotdog. Added LB Omoi and Cupcake.
3.0.1 - Added Yet Another Piercings support; fixed missing legs when hiding thigh bands on Watermelon Rue legs.
3.0.2 - Fixed texture patches around the waist on LaRue and LaRue + Hotdog legs.