V0.11 out now!

V0.11 is available to download for the Fan & Enthusiast tier!
The Supporter tier gets access to V0.11 on May 13th, followed by the Admirer tier on May 27th.
Public release will happen two weeks after the Admirer tier, on June 10th.
Shattered Minds' main story kicks off in V0.11. Discover what depths lie ahead!
Besides this, Luna is the star of this update. It features her complete quest line (4 quests) as well as the option to integrate her into your harem.

Content of V0.11 (Changelog):

  • New Quest: Main Quest 2
    OSA agent Adams finds the behavior of the MC and those close to him odd. She decides to get to the bottom of this once and for all.
    Prepare yourself for an action-packed quest which will reveal that the OSA is not your only threat.
    This quest triggers automatically once you have 5 women in your harem.
  • New Quest: Breaking the Habit (Luna)
    You begin interacting with Luna. Don't be deceived by her dismissive demeanor!
  • New Quest: Somewhere I Belong (Luna)
    Luna reveals a secret to you that you are not prepared for.
  • New Quest: New Divide (Luna)
    You will help Luna solve a problem that weighs heavily on her heart. Can you turn her life to a better?
  • New Quest: The Catalyst (Luna)
    Luna confronts her past and begins a new chapter in her life.
  • New harem member: Luna
    Add her to your harem after finishing her quest line!
  • New repeatable Open World interactions:
    Open World Interactions have been added for Luna (park & beach), Sarah (cinema) and Chloe (college pool)
  • New Smartphone Wallpapers:
    A new wallpaper for Scarlett and Luna has been added. It will be unlocked as soon as they are part of your harem.
  • Quality of Life change: Power Drink
    The power drink is now available to buy as six-pack. There is a negative effect added if you consume more than one power drink a day to prevent abuse.
  • Quality of Life change: Find Me! app
    The "Find Me!" app now features a "favorites" tab so you can easier keep track of the girls you're currently interested in.
  • bug fixes, spelling corrections and improvements of existing content

V0.11 is available for Windows/Linux, macOS and android.
Shattered Minds will also come to steam!
Make sure to wishlist!