I'm finally moving!

I've been planning to move to the US to be with my partner for years now. After all this waiting, my visa has FINALLY been approved!!! If all goes well, I'll leave on May 2nd.

This means I have a week to finish packing and everything. I've been mostly ready for a while now, so there's not much left for me to do. Still, it'll cut into my drawing time a bit.
I'm hopeful I'll have the April exclusive done by the end of the month, but it might end up being a little late.
I've already got 3 Pious pages finished, so I can guarantee those at least will go up on May 6th as planned. I may or may not get a 4th page finished by then as well. 

I know that I've been busy and delaying a lot of things lately, so I really really appreciate everyone whose stuck around to support me! Your support is especially helpful right now, with all the travel expenses and everything. 

Wish me luck, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you!!!