Development Update Chapter 1 Part 2
Hi everyone, and good day to you,
This week, I continued to render the animations. The fifth and sixth animations are done. The seventh animation is in the posing and testing state, I wanted it to be the last one for this scene, and I know I said that I'll probably be finished by now, but I feel like stopping here won't be right, I want it to be the best I can make it. I will add one more animation, and I'll finish this scene animations. After that, I can concentrate on finishing the remaining renders and continue to the next scene. I also added more static rendering between the animations for the flow of the scene. So, the static render this week was boosted a bit after the animations were finished.
Visuals status:
Static renders: 371
Animations: 6 completed (720 renders). 1 in progress (posing and testing)
There is a new monthly wallpaper poll where you can choose the next girl to have a wallpaper set for her. Currently, Dianna is in the lead. The poll will end next Friday.
Join Junior (+3$) tier to participate ->
Have a great day,