And so it begins...

Thanks for visiting the page! I am excited to be able to dive back into art as a good chunk of my days. Being a full-time student (and working on top of that) essentially crushed any and all energy I ever had to create and I've missed it dearly. Even more than that, art for me is a means of interacting with folks of similar interests! I love that sense of connection and hope to nurture that more through this profile. 

Additionally, I am hoping for some financial support. I'll be moving across-country later this summer and am currently very strapped for cash. Any support is greatly appreciated, as it will help alleviate some of that stress. 

All of that may be asking, "What's in it for me?" or maybe, "What can I expect out of this?" Well, aside from launching a discord server where you can chit chat with yours truly, below is a basic outline of my plans. 

Monthly Goals

  • Every month, supporters get to vote on a featured pinup of a canon character, cryptid, mythological get the idea. Supporters of a certain tier will also get additional alternate versions of these pin-ups. 
  • I will stream at least once a month--ideally, as I get into a routine, once a week. 
  • Supporters of a certain tier will get complimentary artwork from me. 
  • Hoping to take on 2-4 commissions each month, depending on scale of the job.

Broader Goals

  • Production of pay-to-use bases that will be uploaded to my gumroad account. I have one in process now I hope to finish this month.
  • Adopts and YCHs are something I also hope to be able to produce on a monthly basis. 
  • Personal projects, including one I've been developing that relates to merch and collectables, will be previewed to subscribers first--and subs will also get to offer their opinions, suggestions, etc.

Sound good? Good! I am so pumped to get this rolling. Thank you again for your interest! Any little bit of support helps :)