PublicBuild 0.2.8

Okay, here's the new PublicBuild. Immediately to note is that there is perhaps not as much new content in this build but a lot of bugs and features were worked on instead (it's at least coming out sooner than usual). One thing to immediately note is that your HP is no longer infinite and that you can die. Dying places you into endless H-scenes until you choose to respawn. The main menu has seen a makeover too, it's still not final but it looks a lot better now. Mashing is a little bit easier as I noted some complaints about it, please let me know if it needs a further nerf. There is a Gallery mode but I've decided to make it the sole feature that is exclusive to the MainBuild, to make up for this both builds will now always have the same amount of enemies as usually the PublicBuild has one less than the MainBuild. I'll be keeping my eye on feedback regarding this.

Several bugs were fixed, but here were the main ones; You can no longer get squished under the elevator and out of the map, H-scenes and enemies should no longer bug out if you fall down amidst more than one enemy. The mashbar should now properly reset after a H-scene. Pressing pause and then unpausing while navigating menus should no longer freeze the game for a short period. While paused and entering a different menu, the game should now remain paused.

10 enemies in total, resulting in 30 H-scenes.
Memories - These are orb-like items that can be collected. They appear in the Memories section of the pause menu. Their purpose has yet to be implemented.
Red Key - There's a red key at the top of the Servant Quarters that'll unlock a couple doors. One of these doors will open the boss room (boss not yet included), the other will open the entrance to the dungeon. There is a third door that leads to a currently unimplemented merchant room. Note that there are Purple Doors that are not in fact Red Doors.

A - Left
D - Right
W - Jump
S - Crouch/Escape
J - Scythe
K - Kick
L - Backdash
R - Pause
E - Interact

Currently Known Bugs
You're unable to use crouch attack while crouched under a ceiling in a tight space.
The air kick doesn't work yet.
Coins fly everywhere, it's something of a feature though, I kind of like it.
Sometimes the elevator will be off its destination by a tiny fraction.

Press R in-game, it has some handy notes and the controls are listed there.

The blue-haired maid will delete your stamina if you attack her when she's not stunned. Watch for the blue flash, and when she reaches you, press K to parry her kick with your own. She'll be vulnerable in her stunned state.

When you reach the Statue room there's a few things to note for direction. Upper left will take you to the Servant Quarters. Upper right (and upper-er right) have the save and teleport rooms. Bottom right is the entrance to the dungeon, you'll need the Red Key in the Servant Quarters to open it.

Press E on the lever next to the elevator shaft/grate to call for the elevator. Control the elevator with Up and Down respectively when it has come to a stop.