State Of The Realm: April

I’m back! It’s been a difficult couple of months for me; Corona-chan hit me particularly hard this time around. Fortunately, we have an excellent team, and they have kept everything in motion in my absence (and while I’ve been catching back up) - something I am extremely grateful for.
Now that things are back to normal, let’s have a look at what’s coming up. The first piece of news is that we have our soundtrack coming out this month! This has been requested for ages and I’m very glad to finally get it sorted. You’ll finally be able to chill out to Marina Montague’s beautiful voice, or bop to Exo Spectra’s insane beats. We have a launch party planned for the 28th April on our Discord server, if you’d like to come along and listen to them jam together live for the first time.
You might have noticed that our lead writer Mattrex has been very quiet this year. That’s because he’s been working on Act V Chapter Two, which is now starting to be fed into the vast editing/coding/playtesting machine. It’s already an easy hundred thousand words long, and will get bigger still before we’re done. Despite my virological woes, I still very much want to get Chapter Two out this summer, and I will be prioritising that work going forward.
Which is not to say you won’t have anything to enjoy in the months between! Our lead editor DoItToJulia and her team are busy filling out the remaining pieces of Act V Chapter One - Balthorne, Eburon, Mother, and Zizeryx. Our scene artist Lubbio is remastering his oldest work, to bring it up to his impeccable modern standard. Our sound squad under HereToHelp is working on a fresh mountain of voice acting. And Exo Spectra is working on even more new music!
So thank you, all those who support the game. With your help we’ve been able to build a little studio that’s able to leap forward in many directions at once, even when I’m out of the picture. And that’s humbling, in a really nice way.