Good news and bad news

Hey all!,
Let's start with the good news tomorrow you will all be getting the second page of issue 2 of the comic (Were working hard on page 1 it needed some tweaking). The bad news is it seems a summer (spring?) cold is starting to hit me. Most heard my stream completely give out today on stream so I do have some vids for next week but there won't be any I wani hug that gator since I didn't record them yet. As for adult games not sure if I'll get them done for the week after im waiting to see how I feel in the next coming days.
That said streams other then D&D on Saturday night are on a small break as well cause I dont wanna tax my voice to much. I know you guys all understand just wanted to keep you all in the loop since you guys are all crazy awesome peeps!
That said here is a sneaky peeky of tomorrow