Patreon vs. SubscribeStar

Good evening! I created this SubscribeStar page over the weekend because Patreon started blocking a few of my posts for violations of the rules. I'm pretty sure what got me was the lesbian incest stuff (guilty...) more so than the BDSM stuff. So, I started this page to migrate over to. However, now that I've posted a dozen or so chapters here all I can say is that SubscribeStar is a mess! There's no way to organize posts. Posts can't be collapsed. It's missing the Chats feature. It's not as well displayed. The analytics leave much to be desired. Etc. Needless to say, I'm not happy with the site at all!

With that being said, I've decided to stick with Patreon going forward. The plan is to just upload text files for my offending chapters and link to them. But I don't want your donations on SubscribeStar to be wasted just because I was still experimenting with the various creator sites. So, I'll post everything here that I do on Patreon for the next month to keep you guys in the loop. But please, join me over on Patreon.

I apologize for the confusion, and thank you for your patronage!