Hello everyone!

 I would like to share my thoughts.

I've finished the main part of Overtopia3D and I'm going to create other games.

I already have a few developments that I've been working on for a while now, but more on that later.

About Overtopia:

As soon as I posted the update, several people immediately signed up for the new sites, and are still signing up. Faster than I expected, because I haven't put out an update in a while and going to another site might have seemed like a no-brainer. I am very grateful. 

After some reflection, I have decided to continue working on Overtopia little by little. I will be creating hybrids and adding them to the game. 1 - 2 a month. This will not distract me from developing other games and will gradually increase the number of different hybrids in Overtopia.

Also, if you and I reach a certain level of support, then I will devote myself to development, and new projects will not be long in coming.