Hello everyone! I thought I'd give a little greeting and all the links you might be interested in if you find me at all interesting! :>

https://www.twitch.tv/blueandsummer Here you can find my twitch where I stream quite often! This is my main channel as it's where I put most of my focus.

https://www.youtube.com/@blueandsummer/streams Here you can find my youtube where I also stream at the same time, however I haven't posted any proper videos yet, just a collection of my vods! I plan to in the future though!

https://twitter.com/BlueLikesFrens Here is my twitter, I like to be a bit silly on here from time to time.

https://bsky.app/profile/blueandsummer.bsky.social Here is my Bluesky! (Hopefully better Twitter maybe)

You can commission me here! https://www.pixiv.net/request/plans/138075

I hope you enjoy reading my stories and seeing my art, make sure to drink water and take care of yourself!