New Progress

Still setting up and rendering scenes for the next release. I've been lurking at some forums and reading some feedback posts and I've seen more than one post about the size of the font I use. For some it is too small (maybe playing on a phone!?) so I've added that as a requested feature - and will try to add so you (players) can resize it in the preferences. Will take some testing to see what the max setting should be since I sometimes use looooong sentences (or so I've heard... =)

There's a meeting coming up at school to let the MC get his bearing. Will the MC get support from them all or are there teachers that openly oppose him getting all that influence and power? Are there others that are playing the waiting game?
If so, what should be done about them?

Progress for 0.2 is roughly.

Planning Scenes (29) 100%
Writing Dialogue (20/20) 100%
Choices (23/23/xx) 100%
Characters (6/9) 67%
Building Scenes 55%
Rendering (102/3xx) 34%
Postwork 0%
Features (0/1) 0%

This is the way.