Sorry for the long and complex post, but this is important:

Ive had a good discussion on the first win rule, and seems you guys support that side too, from now on, no such rule. Some people who have supported me for a long time have only won once, while the new person who hasnt yet, takes the win, giving them equal reward for a lot less support. That is not right.

I think im going to do this a bit differently. I counted the wins, and checked how much support i received from the person to basically create a weight value and check who's is highest (gross/wins):
Vanrixie 4 wins - 101.25
DeivysTHD 1 win - 14
Maiyet 1 win - 15 (no longer participating)
Madwolf 2 wins - 95
Sherian 2 wins - 81.5
Wolfe 1 win - 75

But that is also not the full story. If i take into account everything i want to take into account and make it into math, this is what i get:
( Months_without_win - 1 + 3 - Tier) ^ 1.3 * 5 * (gross/tier_price/payments)

Vanrixie       101 + 1-1 ^ 1.3 * 5 * (405/15/26) = 101 + 0                                            = 101
DeivysTHD  14   + 2-2 ^ 1.3 * 5 * (14/7/2)       = 14 + 0                                               = 14
Madwolf       95  + 5-1 ^1.3 * 5 * (190/15/12) = 95 + 20 ^ 1.3 * 1.05 = 95 + 51.6   = 146.6
Sherian         82  + 9-1 ^1.3 * 5 * (163/15/13) = 82 + 40 ^ 1.3 * 0.84 = 82 + 101.6 = 183.6
Wolfe            75  + 11-1 ^ 1.3 * 5 * (75/15/5)   = 75 + 50 ^ 1.3 * 1      = 75 + 161.7 = 236.7

To explain what is that pile of math:
months_without_win - 1 = Last months winner gets no benefit
... + 3 - Tier = Based on your tier Months_without_win count is either not affected or decreased, which will directly decrease your bonus
^ 1.3 = the bonus increases exponentially with every month, just not too fast, got to fine tune
*5 = this one is tricky, as this directly increases the bonus and makes bonus more significant than support amount / wins
Last part = it will be lower than one if the person at some point increased their tier, which means they have a lot of time supported, but weaker support. Opposite is true too. And i think tips count into bonus too, so it will increase it. Multiplying by this value will increase or decrease bonus by percent.

The values will need some sort of adjusting, again i seek your wisdom. By the way, as you win more, your 'score' will go down and can get into single digits. Assuming you won way too much and too recently.

Look at the results, they show that Wolfe should have the highest chance for victory, or perhaps, should just win without any chances. That being said if we decrease the ^ 1.3 * 5, the bonus should also decrease.
What do you think?