Chapter 1 Part 2 Development Update

Hello everyone,
This week, I concentrated on writing part 2 of chapter 1.  I wrote two scenes already and feel I have a good flow. I like to see the story unfold before my eyes while writing the scenes. When I do that, I tend to have more and more ideas flowing, making the scene more genuine. So, I have already started configuring the environment lighting and camera positions and fixing the characters' clothes so they will fit them perfectly.
This is the phase when I am testing the environment I use for a scene to capture the perfect lighting. I already have some renders that I am quite happy about, but I know myself. I will improve them until I am satisfied.
I will probably have the first preview renders ready to show late next week.
Next week, I am going to revisit part 1 one last time. Saint Blackmoor from F95Zone helped me with proofreading so you will have the best product, and I will incorporate his work into the game (Which will be available soon). 
Kimberly won the public poll for the favorite girl by the mear vote as Giovanna came second. So Kim deserves wallpaper and the next series of visuals for part 2 of chapter 1.
Kim wallpaper and the following preview renders will be available for the Junior tier and above.
Thanks to each and every one of you who contributes by being here; if you want, you can also contribute by reviewing the game on F95. Thanks for supporting me and the game development.
Thank you, and have a good weekend,