Main Character Preview + Quick Update.

You've seen the rest of the cast for our new game so here's the Main Character you'll be playing as. Not everything is set in stone so some things can still change in the final game.

Sorry to everybody for the lack of updates in our Progress Bar since we know a lot of you do look at it but it has been a bit difficult to keep up with it since our tasks keep fluctuating with our new workflow. We'd rather not upload new progress bars when new tasks are constantly being added or removed to our work, as it makes for an unreliable source of our actual progress.

We have been enjoying the process of showing you a lot more previews than updating that progress bar so we think this is the path we'll continue forward with. Rather than Progress Bar updates, expect more development previews instead. This won't be a permanent method of updating you guys since we will go back to updating that progress bar eventually but it won't be for a while. Hope you guys understand.