
1.Changed the synchronization process of image display

2.Tutorial quests for beginners have been implemented.

[Events that change various statuses]
3.Giving money to homeless people increases Fame and Alignment (WIP).
4.When the protag is solo and speaks to an NPC who has no dialogue, you can "Beat them down" or "Pickpocket" them (WIP).
5."Flirt "at camps, which used to be unlimited, can now only be done once per camp, but when the protag and the priestess flirt, it will gain Love and Lust +1
6.You can increase your status in an inn or a camp instead ofr the church in the capital

7.You can see Alignment,Fame, Love and Lust in the menu scene.
8.Improvement of Character List (eroticism window)
9.Added a system that automatically consumes fatigue recovery items when Fatigue is 100 (WIP/Currently applicable only to "water").

10.Changed so that the "LockPicking" option can only be selected if you have a lockpick.
11.Changed the formula for Trust of the settlement from the base to "Trust of the settlement itself" + "Fame" => "Trust of the settlement itself" + "Fame/10".
12.Enemy maximum HP is now calculated based on dungeon level (in other words, enemy HP is increased).
13.Changed the amount of recovery of the skill "Heal" on the map to 20%=>50%.
14.Fatigue recovery amount of Milk has been changed to 10.
15.Enabled to change switches such as Scat and Graphyc Sync in the Option menu.

[Bug fixes]

1.Fixed a bug that fatigue does not increase by Attack in combat.
2.Fixed a bug that the log window is covered by the message window when you "Grab her ass" for Priestess in A key.
3.Fixed a bug that the blowjob image was not correct when the protag was poisoned at the end of the battle.
4.Fixed a bug that the background music stopped after a night battle in the forest.
5.Fixed a bug Characters don't suffer negative adjustment for HIT when their fatigue is 100.
6.Fixed a bug that the cooking graphics were not displayed correctly when camping.
7.Fixed a bug that the trust of the related settlement wasn't increased after each quest was completed.
8.Fixed a bug that prevented the player from selecting "Scat" on or off in the new game.
9.Fixed a bug that anal slimes were counted as Orc.
10.Fixed a bug that the dungeon level of the pirate ship was set to 2.
11.Fixed a bug that the option to go to the pirate ship from the port town was incorrectly named.
12.Fixed a bug that the bottom half of the pirate ship was obscured in the distant view.
13.Fixed a bug that caused a crash when trying to perform A key => Flirting => Sex in a public area when the player's lust is between 50 and 200.
14.Fixed a bug that images remained after arm-wrestling with Barbarian.
15.Fixed a bug that Follower dungeon events were always randomized.
16.Fixed a bug that the protag/priestess can take a small boat to a port town even if they is solo.
17.Fixed a bug that "Only a straight line is currently displayed" when operating on the world map.
18.Fixed a bug that you have to pay money even if you canceled to stay at an inn.


[Graphic Sync]
I changed Graphic Sync system and increased catch memory.

This eliminates issues like the head not being displayed for a moment.
(There might still be instances where clothes are not displayed momentarily right after load th game.)

Also this might make lag a bit by your PC condition.
So I added "Turn OFF Graphic Sync" option in Option menu too.

[Ways to increase your some status]
I'm testing NymPri from 1 without cheat.
And I've been fixing ,improving and balancing some systems.

In Ver0.61, I added new system to decrease your Alignment.
When you are the protag solo, you can "Beat NPC down" or "Pickpocket" from NPC.
(Only NPC who has no dialogue)
"Beat Their Down" ... Strength Test. If you succeed, nothing. If you failed, you'll be knocked down and lose your money and you'll go to a jail.
Whichever, you lose Alignment.

I might add rewards when you succeed in the future.
But I have no idea for it for now.

"Pick Pocket"... Technique Test. If you succeed, You'll earn money. If you failed, you'll go to a jail.
Whichever, you lose Alignment.

The current difficulty is just random, but I'll set difficulty for each NPCs.
Also I'm considering to remove "Sexable Mob NPC", and I might integrate them with regular NPCs and make it possible to have sex with all NPCs.

[Erotic Status Window]
Still wip.
But I increased it a bit.
The count amounts doesnt work fine now.

You can see it in Chracter List in the menu scene.

See ya next update!