New GPU purchased and Whoremonger update

Thanks to all of you, I was finally able to upgrade my video card to an RTX 4060Ti 16GB! This new piece of hardware will allow me to make renders much faster then I was able too before. Thank you everyone who kindly helped support this purchase! My next goal is too move this new card into a separate PC that I can use to run renders 24/7, which frees up my main PC for everything else.

I am now deep into working on the next update of Whoremonger and I have already planned out the story for the next 20 or so scenes. One new set has been created already and I finished the first full scene's renders yesterday.  With this new hardware, I plan on slowly introducing animations soon.  That will be a major learning experience, so don't expect the best right away, lol.  Another twist I plan on adding in this update, is that some of the characters from both A Dark Horse Riding and Whoremonger will have crossover cameos in each story.  Dark Horse is set three years after Whoremonger, so the characters will reflect that.  Don't worry though, I won't spoil any of the original stories.

Until next update,