Development update and future plans

Dear Subscribers!

The release of update 0.39 is coming soon. This will be the last big story update for the game. It will have 7 endings and the story will be finished.

We could call this update version 1.0, but the thing is, there's still a lot of work ahead. We started working on My Pleasure in the summer of 2019. For a few months we worked on version 0.1, which was released in December 2019. So at this point, we've been working on My Pleasure for almost 5 years. For the first 3 years, we tried to release updates every month. This took a huge amount of time and a huge amount of work was done during this time.

In the summer of 2022, we started working on the release on Steam. Since the game was in development, we decided to break up its content into Seasons. Season 1 was released on Steam in December 2022. Then Season 2 saw the light of day in May 2023. We decided that there will be 3 Seasons in total, and soon, along with the release of Subscribestar version 0.39, Season 3 will be released on Steam.

But there's an important detail in this story. When working on updates to the game for Subscribestar, we mostly just added new content and fixed bugs where possible. But before releasing Season 1 on Steam, we realized that the graphics of the first episodes were severely inferior to the level of graphics of the game in later episodes. So before the game's release on Steam, we updated the images of the first episodes of the game. Some of them were remastered, and some images we had to redo completely.
Moreover, for the Steam version of the game we used a newer version of the RenPy engine. All this led to the fact that we were essentially working on two versions of the same game. And the program code in these versions was quite different, so we couldn't use saves from one version of the game in the other, or simply transfer updated content from the Steam version to the Subscribestar version of the game.
After the 0.39 update comes out, we'll take a break from work. After that, we will analyze feedback from players, bug reports, and start working on Subscribestar version 1.0. We want it to be finished, run smoothly, and have the best graphics we currently have. We will also need to do it on a newer version of RenPy. So we have quite a large amount of work to do. We anticipate it will take 2-3 months.
Dear Subscribers! We appreciate your support for our project!
Some of you have been with us since the very beginning. We appreciate the contribution of each and every one of you, because it is thanks to you, your support and faith in us that we have been able to keep going no matter what. We have seen many times some of the other projects get abandoned for whatever reason, and it was important for us to keep and gain your trust in us. We hope that our hard work has allowed us to gain a reputation as reliable and responsible developers.
We will continue our work and keep you updated. Thank you very much again for supporting our game and our team!
Tasty Pics Studio.