I'd like to welcome you to Preg Stories.  I am Preggophile69 or simply Phile 69.   I have many stories to share with you.  A couple will be, very loosely, based on my personal adventures, others, not so much.  The one thing that I will strive for is to make them highly entertaining.  As I am new to this platform, I'm sure I'll make a mistake or two.  Please bear with me as I learn how to navigate these new waters.  My stories will, almost always, be multi chapter events.  As I add a new chapter to a story, you will be able to enjoy it in its entirety.  I have pinned a handy Table Of Contents just below.  I am always open to feedback, positive feedback, anyway, so that I can improve my product for you.  I hope you'll join me on this new adventure.

For now, until I can beef up my content, everything is free.  If you'd like to show your gratitude and join in on the Charter Member tier for $5.00 a month, this will put you in a special group.  I will close the Charter Tier at a predetermined level and it will never re-open.  My Charter Members will always and forever be at that $5.00 per month level, no matter what.  Trust me, as my content expands and I add new things, I'm sure the prices will rise to cover new levels.  So, become a Charter Member today.

Please keep in mind that all works on this page, or other pages that I may post on, are protected by any and all copywrite laws.  These works of fiction and any essays are created by me, Preggophile69, and me alone, unless otherwise stated.  You are not allowed to copy or post my material anywhere, in the world, without my express, written permission.  Thank you.