Alderian News!

Hello everyone :)
Sorry for the lack of communcation recently, been a very hectic busy time recently but things are progressing nicely with the latest update.
As your usual reminder, If you haven't already, please wishlist Parasite Black over on steam! Every wishlist helps! Link to the steam page here:

First and foremost, we're incredibly excited for our latest plans with combat and balancing, we think this will really elevate the gameplay and RPG elements, and really help you feel like you make your character a little more your own.

Revamp of Kiara (post prologue - above) - Things still WIP slightly and subject to change.

Some key changes/things planned:
-XP will now be earned by completing missions (non-repetable) and by having new lewd encounters with other characters (one time XP gain for each new person).
-The player will be able to transform into the parasite form, gaining a significant boost in powers and new skills.
-Levelling up will now focus on a more branching tree type system for various skills.
-Perks will solely be RPG based, cutting out the boring stuff like "do you want a 5% rise in Strength? or a 5% rise in agility?" and replaced with nothing but fun stuff like "Do you want to dream walk? Or do you want to be able to turn invisible for some events?"
-Various checks and balancing to further tie in the lewd to the gameplay as well as overall improve the experience - The end goal is to encourage and let people make their own builds rather than just say, dump all stats into STR and one-shotting everything.
-Removing some of the rng stuff, now, instead of a % whether charm works, there will just be a flat rate - further encouraging players to think more about point investment.

On the art front, old character models, BGS and scenes are still being revamped to our new, high, more consistent standard.
New stuff is also on the way as well of course, suffice to say, our artists are very busy!
More on this soon...
WIP - Markus and MC being infected with the parasites being revamped - above

Other stuff:
-The script is still being produced... It's huge.
-Looking into additional QOL stuff.
-Very excited to show you guys some more stuff soon :)

That's all for now,
thank you guys so much for your support,
you guys are awesome and make all of this a reality!
-The Damned Studios Team

Is she drooling for something? Or is that... something else running down her chin?