Dissapearing Facial Expression Issue

You need: ShalltyUtils

This happens when you swap a character with different head mod. You can fix it by changing your character's head mod to match the one in the scene, but that is too tedious and might cause your character to look different. The method below is how to do it in studio without any need to change the head mod.

Note: You can actually do this without ShalltyUtils. By using the "Single Files". There are Load and Save there's which will affect all interpolables of the character. I just never used that so I didn't know about it before making this.

Summary: You can easily fix this by saving the keyframes for facial expression, then loading it after you change the character.

-This Clara card (by Istia) is using a "modified head mod". Select the character > Open the Timeline, and Make sure "All" in unchecked. Now you should be able to see the interpolables only for that character, including the ones for blend shape facial expression.

-Now, in the image above, you can easily identify the interpolables for facial expression, since I renamed it and color labeled it before. Usually, it's name will start with "BS" indicating that it's blendshape.

-Select the interpolables for face. Or if you're not sure, select everything you think is for face, but make sure to remember it.

-Now press "Alt + S"(default shortcut) to open ShalltyUtils. Click on "Save selected interpolables", then save it to your desired location.

NOTE: In the latest version(v1.0) of ShalltyUtils, all of the options are intergrated in the studio. You'll be able to find the options of save/load interpolables in a new button in the empty space in timeline in the image below.

-Now let change the character, and see what will happen to timeline. Close/Open the timeline then play it a little after swap to see the changes.

-So as you can see some of the interpolables dissapeared, and not all of them. But since we included the "Brows" and "Teeth", we will delete them, as the keyframes might get duplicated after loading.

-Open ShalltyUtils, click "Load interpolables at current time", the located the saved file.

Then that it! Facial expression should be restored. If the character doesn't use blendshape for expression, then you shouldn't have a problem in the first place. Hope this guide will help you. If you have any questions, ask below.