March 16th update:

Finishing off the last bit of coding for the Nemf night visit scene. I initially had only intended it to be a quick short thing but making it more intimate I think ended up working out a lot better.

Then up next is the intro of a new girl. Fear not, I know its a concern that many games add new girls all the time without finishing content for previous girls. I will still go back and flesh out more content for the other girls but needed to add her in for story reasons to get a crafting component for a new alchemy potion to use with the other girls.

Next week may be a bit slow as I'll be flying out to visit family for a wedding but I'll try to get as much progress done.

If you missed the new update download, I'll add the link here too.
You can download 0.26 here:
PC: GDrive - MEGA -
Mac: GDrive - MEGA -

Possible working Android version for 0.26: