Horton Bay Stories - Jake v0.4.2.3 Change Log

Fixed: Dialogue error when dancing with Tania.

Changed: Replaced Tilly’s character model.

Added: Have sex with Gemma before she gets dressed in the morning - Gemma’s room 07:00 weekdays.
Added: New Dream (Tania)
Added: Can now walk Tania home from the nightclub for some more fun (requires at least 9 attraction points). If Tania is still a virgin, there is a bonus event, then more content will unlock the second time you bring her home.
Added: 2 new collectible videos (sellable to Justin).
Added: Energy Drinks now purchasable. Refills your stamina (currently available at Petrol Station - more vendor locations to come).
Added: Ask Adel for sex while she’s getting dressed in the morning.
Added: Help Polly tidy up the yoga studio at 18:00 . . . or not? (Currently only the "don't help" path is available - ran out of time and will finish next update.) In order to begin the NTR path for this event, Frank must have helped Polly at least once during Yoga class at 17:00.

Added: Option to instantly skip Sundays after the morning event if no other event is scheduled, or continue in free roam.