April Update

Life's been better, but finances have been falling, and I've got some expenses coming up since its tax time. Hopefully I can pick up some commissions or I might have to get that part time job I've been regretting the necessity of. That's a concern for later though. For now, fun times ahead. So whats the plan? Just commissions, no distractions, no nothing but work work work. Expect more soon!

1.Shining Unto You

2.Alternate MLP

3.Trooper's Commissions.

4.Hostile History

5.Aevery Commission.

6.Shade 70

7.Not sure, we'll see after that.

That may look like alot but I've been plugging away at those stories piecemeal until now so they arent as big as they seem.

Author Extraordinaire


P.S Expect an old story to make its glorious return very soon!