Benefits After Subscription.

As you know by now, Patreon kicked me out, lol. So I am now on SubscribeStar. Things will veer away from how I usually did things. For example, now there won't be multiple tiers to support me. There will be only one. Elder Gods tier ($5) 
  • It will give you instant access to total 9 chapters.
  • Next 4 chapters of Magiscape.
  • Next 5 chapters of The Seducer System.
  • A Discord role that will allow you access to a special channel to discuss the early access chapters.
  • Polls

And here are all the places you can find me.
Archive of our own
Questionable Questing

Note: New chapter will be uploaded every Sunday(or Monday if delayed). Due to me having two fics, the updates will be alternated every week, so both stories will be updated once in two weeks.