There is a cool flight game in the other scene. You have to move the air plane around with your computer's game controller.

Download upbge 0.36.1 (Its a really fun game engine)

On the king kong pro 2, you have to make sure to disable the deadzone on the controller. Check the last page of the official king kong pro 2 instruction manual. Its a very very good controller and I think it works very very well with left 4 dead 2. You have to activate steam input because valve did a very good job with it but they dont get recognition because its hard for people to understand what steam input is to begin with. PC player game culture is to completely ignore game controllers for even the most modern games.

Battlefield games have had great game controller support for over a decade now. I wish we could go on sneaking missions together but you need game controls to control your computer's gameplay or we will be easily spotted. I can hear you running around in game because computer players and 4 button movement.

Infected can see your outline when you panic and panic is all a WSAD player is allowed to do. 4 button movement is 4 button movement.

I hope we can play together.