Hi there! I'm Kaktus_NSFW, a writer known for all manner of human on nonhuman love. Some lovey-dovey, others, absolutely terrifying.

You might have seen me on AO3 or SoFurry for my absurdly long stories featuring above content, or more shorter, sweeter stories focused around a blooming romance. Either way, I thank you for visiting this page!

Currently, this is more of a tipjar than anything. If you enjoy my work, feel free to toss a few dollars my way, I certainly appreciate it and it'll get me working on stories more full-time.

In the future, I plan to give access to all paid novels I put out, polls for planned works, and more.

Below are all my main accounts:

Archive Of Our Own - You will find most of my content here.

SoFurry - Generally most of the above content, but focused on anthropomorphic animals or Pokémon.

Hentai-Foundry - More unique, degenerate content from commissions featuring less savory topics such as rape or mind break. Not my main line of work. This will also need an account to view said work.

Twitter - My twitter, where I'll post updates and art to go with stories.

Commission sheet and Ko-fi:

Commissions - My commission form, which outlines what content I do and my commission rates, which are currently $11 per 1k words via PayPal.

Ko-fi - My Ko-fi, in case you'd rather make a one off donation. I appreciate it all the same!