Hello everyone
The new environment is on the horizon!

This is a work in progress, and there's still a lot to do, but I'll likely manage to finish it in time.
The map is a large open space where you can walk indoors and outdoors.
You will find new props and spaces for unique poses.
There will be a garden that will be integral to the storyline later on.
Some plants growing there will function as toys!
The forest behind the house will be closed for now, but the plan is to make the plant monster home there when it's ready.

Other than the new environment, there will be fixes and changes coming. 
Liss's IK system is now fixed.
When the characters transition into a pose, the physics won't glitch out
The side character menu actions, Call and Take-Control, will be integrated inside the Radial Menu and more.
Also, props can now have unique transforms or animations for any pose, which means more freedom when creating new poses.
I'm unsure if I ever mentioned it, but I'm working as a Pose Editor to create, save, and even share animations, and because the interactions are code-driven and rely more on physics, it will be very easy to use.

That's it for this update.
Remember if you have any questions or suggestions. You can always find me on your Discord.
The scheduled release date is the 5th of April.
Thanks everyone for the support 🫶