Rewards Sent

Thanks for the support and donation. You help make on going art possible. An art community is only as good as those who participate or contribute. Please enjoy the fanart parodies. Rewards Sent.

Some good news. I was able to get one of our writers out of semi-retirement. As they lived in a country with some civil conflict going on and now moved to a better location. I wanted to check they are safe and supported. They just recently wrote the "Three Monks" exotic story recently posted. As well as plans to rewrite/react parts chapter1 Beauty and Beast story to send it to more exotic puppy latex play in chapter 2 and chapter 3 if all things work out with a plot twist.

Even with my network lampooned, or someone trying to rain on the parade. I am thankful for all people who still stick by and enjoy our adventures together. You helped other change for the positive.

If there is any feedback about subscribestar or constructive ways we can improve, feel free to e-mail us at StickyScribbles(at)