Hello everyone !

I return from my my DEN OF LEARNINGS ON TIME

With a completed videogame!



You can play it in the browser here, or download it to play on your machine. I should note that there have been a few issues reported in testing with the browser version, and I am not sure how to resolve those, so! If you have some issue, consider downloading it~ It seems to work correctly for me on firefox though!

Anyway, this is a very smol game, only a few minutes long, and I hope you will enjoy it! This is a really old idea I had that I thought would be fun, but that, at the time, I didn't really see a reality where anyone actually downloaded or played it when I thought about making it in RPG maker. It's just a silly little idea.

Though, I've come to really enjoy making games, and have been wanting to learn how to use Godot, so! I dusted off the idea and made it! 

I will be continuing to use Godot to make more games in the future too, though probably not at such an intense schedule! I learned a lot though! (And I could probably make the same game again in a lot less time now so that's good at least!)