The What if App 

What if I had 500 credits in my pocket

He confirmed his entry and was surprised that nothing happened. At least, he didn't notice anything at first. He had expected to receive a response from the app. A response telling him that he had fallen for a joke or a picture of him taking money out of his pocket. Nothing of the sort happened. Carl shrugged his shoulders and reached into his trouser pocket. He felt some banknotes on his hand and pulled them out. He had ten bills in his hand. Completely perplexed, he looked at the money in his hand and couldn't believe it. He knew that he hadn't had any money in his pocket before, let alone this much. 
"Can it really be the app?" he asked himself and looked at his phone again. It was time for another test. He looked around the shop and wondered whether he should try something bigger. He looked around the store and wondered what it would be like if they all wore no tops. Furthermore, he turned his attention back to the app and started typing again.
What if all the women in this café were topless.
Before confirming the input, he looked up. As soon as he confirmed the input, all the women in the room were topless. When he looked towards the door, he saw a woman taking off her top as she walked in. Carl couldn't believe his eyes and got shaky hands. Was he now in full control of his life, or even everyone's life? It even seemed as if no one in the store was bothered. Everyone acted as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
A blonde employee came up to him and asked if he needed anything else. She was carrying even less than most of the others. Carl shook his head and took another sip of his coffee as she walked away again
"I can do anything with this app. I can shape the world the way I want it. That's unbelievable," his thoughts rolled over. 
Due to his past, he lacked self-confidence, but with this app that would no longer be a problem. He could do whatever he wanted. He realized that his thoughts were going around in circles, and he wondered what he could do. Carl took a deep breath and tried to sort out his thoughts. There were so many things he wanted to change. So many things that were wrong in his eyes. He could have made the world fairer, but immediately asked himself why he should. The world had never cared about him either, so he wouldn't care about them either. He could be a real egotist now
Carl took a deep breath and looked around again. He saw an older lady coming in, and he didn't want to see her topless. He immediately looked at his cell phone again and started typing.

What if people stopped aging as soon as they turned 45?

Once he had sent the command, he looked back at the older lady, who now looked much younger. Now he had done something for the world after all.  But in that case, it also had advantages for him, but the thought somehow depressed him. He wondered whether he had made people immortal. Once again, his thoughts ran over, and he decided that he should be more careful. Several scenarios came to his mind that would not be good for him and would make him lose this advantage again. He immediately came up with a few ideas on how he could secure this advantage and started typing.
What if people's life expectancy didn't change even though they didn't age?
So he had already clarified the issue of near immortality.
What if only I (Carl Taylor) had this app

Even though the welcome message said he was the only one, it was safe to say.

What if I could call this smartphone to me at any time
What if this smartphone was indestructible
What if this smartphone never needed to be charged
This ensured that he would never lose access to this app. He thought he was on the safe side. He looked around again and looked at the women in the restaurant. Furthermore, he was also starting to get a hard-on in his pants and he knew that he could have them all if he wanted to, he just had to enter it into the app. He toyed with the idea, but then he got a call.
Who was calling?