Week 118# - House Update. [1/3]

Today I bring you an update that, honestly, has taken me more time than I thought.

I have incorporated markers into the interactive areas of the house so that you know where everything is.
Now you can open your inventory in certain places in the house by interacting with the furniture. Of course you can continue opening it anywhere in the house if you wish.

I have created a radio in the house that changes the background music to another, it is nothing special and I have not added new music.

You also have markers for the bed, the washing machine and the toilet.
I have changed how the bed works but I am not very happy with it, now it will not ask you for 12 o'clock to sleep and you can sleep for several days in a row if you want. However, I have not had time to incorporate in this update the sex toys that I implemented in the previous update.

And lastly and most importantly, since it has taken me the most time, I have created 3 stores that you can access from your home phone, each of them has different products based on their theme.
These shops don't exist anywhere else in the game, so don't try to look for them.
Once you place an order, they will take it to your home shortly after and you can pick up your things.

And this is it, I'll probably do a second update to finish implementing the bed mechanics and some more that I have written down.