Welcome to Four on the Floor!


I've made this page to be fairly casual, as I wanted a secure place to share this content in a way that made me feel comfortable doing so.

What will you see here?

This page will essentially be my place to showcase sketches, illustrations, and general doodles that I do in my own time of feral content!

Content can range from things like rule-34, and can also tread into other kinks, but it will all be feral.

My Goals

My goals for this page is to not feel afraid of making this content.

It provides me a safe space to share it and it would help tremendously with day to day expenses if people like the content and choose to subscribe.

A Note

I am very neurodivergent and currently facing struggles with executive dysfunction, so I did not want to make this page very structured and strict as to not overwhelm me like other pages like this have. There is one tier that accesses all art as I feel that's fairly low maintenance. It allows me to share art at my leisure and without many expectations or pressure.

The goal is to basically exclusively share this type of work here, with the exception of commissions as I know folks like to share the work they paid for. I want to make this page unique in that it showcases art that I do in my own time.

My goal is to do two updates a month - at minimum. If for some reason I cannot deliver for a few months at a time, I'll put the page on vacation as to not continue charging people per month.

Thank you!

That's really about it. If you like this type of content, and want a small way to support me, this is probably the best way to do so!