Weekly Update! Feb 21, 2024

Hey, as long as I get one of these out per-week, right?
I mean, that is the goal anyways, did I mention these wouldn’t be consistent? Either way, I went hard working on Project Sugar Cake and some other projects that had me feeling a bit burnt out so after SCake’s initial release I decided to force myself to take an entire day off of working on stuff, especially since I haven’t been feeling well for a few days (have a very annoying cough >.>) and I probably needed the sleep I finally got… But hey, I’m feeling better and can’t stop thinking about the next step for various projects! This week I thought I’d talk about Project Sugar Cake and the next step, since, ya know, we had an initial release version of Project Sugar Cake 0.0.1 DEV!!! I did have a big blog entry planned for this week related to recent events, but I’ve decided I’d wait on it since I already have a lot to cover today, so maybe next week? (which is only a few days away Q.Q)

Notice – AI Related – Model and Content Previews Update
(and how these platforms blame creators for the platform’s failures)
I’m making some changes in how I approach model previews on various sites that host my trained / merged AI models and how I approach posting image/video related content. For models that are not explicitly for adults only concepts I am switching to not feature R18+ content in the previews directly and instead having those post separately (13+ / Suggestive content will still be actively put in previews, I just mean explicit nudity or sexual content). Future postings will also have 18+ content separated as well, which I’ve technically been doing for a bit now but that was just to test the waters and see how this new method is received. I’ll save some of the more in-depth reasons for this when I get around to doing the full blog posting related to some rather extreme behavior we’ve been seeing over the last couple of years getting increasingly worse, but I also felt it was better to approach posts this way to help better separate the duality in my content. It’s no secret that I like sexual stuffs, but separately also like cute stuffs, however these AI content sites do not provide adequate tools for users to separate these forms of content and I’ve witnessed an unfortunately large number of people try and blend them both together in an attempt to create ammunition for harassment and personal attacks. While I despise any individual that goes out of their way to target and harass individuals in this way (I hope they live the rest of their miserable lives as unloved as their comments), I also recognize some inconsistencies in how these sites deliver content could also create associations, even if unintended, and I was not really properly considering how these systems create negative impressions.
There’s still places where this kind of things still mesh in an undesirable way, like on my CivitAI profile page where if you look at ‘posts’ then R18+ content is displayed right next to cute content.
I tried to run some engagement tests and gauge how people reacted to different types of content when posted around each other, and I found that if any ‘inappropriate’ content is posted along-side ‘innocent’ content, a large number of people will associate that innocent content with inappropriate content. An example of this is if a user posts a cute chibi with a captain hat, then a user posts a sexualized image of a woman with large breasts, massive cleavage showing, and a sexual expression on her face. Before the second image is posted and seen the chibi image is well received and seen as cute, but after the second image is posted then the chibi is now seen as inappropriate content and often now sexualized by onlookers as well as any additional innocent images. I don’t personally seem to be affected by this much as I am generally able to break associations quite easily/quickly but I also notice I am in the minority here and most individuals don’t have the same kind of mental training in critique someone like myself would. Additionally I noticed people that are more interested in anime style themes also seem to be more resistant to this phenomenon and I think it’s the ability to separate reality and fantasy much easier than your average individual. Additionally I find it interesting how many communities seem to shift in this way, where sexualized content always seems to take a precedent over innocent content, even if it’s mostly innocent content the presence of any sexual content is not seen as out of place and inappropriate and instead ‘poisons’ all content posted around it. Many AI communities are currently struggling with this and it’s led to some (like CivitAI) to become incredibly hostile toward certain creators with even moderators on these platforms going out of their way to harass individuals because of this, which has nothing to do with the creators themselves but how these sites fail to separate content and properly inform their staff of these kinds of biases.
As hostile as this sounds, I also find it probably has a lot of do with general intelligence and who these people choose to surround themselves with, but I’ll save that specific discussion for when I make that blog post regarding extremist view points which we’ve seen on the rise lately. Regardless, I’ll be taking this into account more in the future, and while some will see this as my trying to adjust for idiots (which, honestly, it is) I also think being mindful and making an attempt gives a lot of counter-ammunition to these hateful cretins and makes them look even more deprived. So I guess it’s a selfish act in the end? Seriously though, fuck these people trying to harass and target others in all contexts.
This really won’t affect proper platforms I post to like Pixiv, which solved these issues ages ago and uses common sense in regards to both methods and moderation. Discord, for example, allows me to have multiple release channels which make it easy to separate these forms of content. I’d say this would be a band-aid fix until these AI platforms start enacting common sense, but they’ve all shown they are incapable of even basic understanding of social dynamics so I doubt we’ll see much, if any, positive change and instead these platforms are more likely to start banning certain types of content outright, blaming creators for the platform’s failures as usual. Some AI platforms are already taking this ban approach like PixAI banning all NSFW content and favoring innocent anime themes or CivitAI enacting the opposite and having moderators try to harass and intimidate creators of cute content off the platform with verbal abuse and excessive content removals of innocent content. (CivitAI even hosts rape and guro content, but creators are the problem for posting a cute chibi? Fuck off.)


Palworld Mod – Project Sugar Cake v0.0.1 DEV
Female solo animation test with sped up progression example at the end of the post! ^-^
(I still don't know how to put videos in the middle of a post X.x)
The initial release for SCake is finally here! Features full support for solo player animations and importing animations, also released a simple animation pack along-side the framework which currently only includes a single solo female animation but I will try and add a few more simple animations to the pack as time goes on.

Work Progress / Updates

Huge progress was made this week, as Project Sugar Cake was finally able to get an initial release! While I’m quite hyped by this I also recognize just how much work is still left to do, and it’s a LOT. The initial release of SCake is very limited in functionality but it does feature the complete animation import process, which is honestly one of the biggest hurdles to getting this framework off the ground. This means anyone can make an animation and then import it into the game using SCake as the base framework for playback, but I still need to implement the full proper API and release an SDK for easy importing (while also finishing the string/json parser so importing is even easier). The big news here however, with a proper release out I can now focus on smaller updates to release more quickly and show progress much more quickly! I really hate the feeling of saying “hey, I’m working on this thing” but not having anything to really show for it, so for me personally this feels like a massive leap forward. It will also be easier to add features from here on out since I don’t have to focus on a bunch of different elements just to get things functional, instead I can just built on the foundation I spent the last few weeks building up, which will be a nice change!
First, let’s cover what actually went into getting this initial release out, then cover what comes next and how I plan to improve things in the future. The bases of Project Sugar Cake is to be a framework first that would allow other mods to add animations and hook into an API to start, modify, and react to animations played by the framework and common events. There’s other plans but this is the baseline that had to be functional before a release made any sense. So this first launch has a fully built and thought out Metadata system and animation method, an importing system for animations from external mods with API calls for when to register these animations, validation filters that check if animations are compatible or if the imported metadata is even valid, then finally we have a fully custom animation handler. The metadata system and all related data structures did have to be complete before release and that was a huge time sync, but validation and compatibility check systems are still only partially complete, though they do have methods in-place they just need to be ran through and properly tested which I didn’t have time for this time around. The animation handler is also only ‘mostly’ complete as it currently lacks position adjustment and AI systems which is why it currently only supports solo player animations in this 0.0.1 DEV version.
The custom animation handler BP, it’s only going to grow from here…
Additionally I had to break off all the rust on my 3D animation bones and quickly create a solo animation to even have something for people to properly use! While words about it have been pretty kind I’m not personally impressed by it, but hey, it’s a starting point! Hopefully we can get animators interested at some point, though this has been a rough ask lately, seems I may be making a few more animations in the future to showcase the framework’s capabilities and give users something to work with. One unfortunate aspect about the palworld modding community I, and many others, have noticed is that Palworld modding seems to be very segmented and very isolated/private. It feels rare for creators to truly collaborate in an open manner and help each other out or work together to get things moving along, and those that do seem to get into these closed off groups and shut everyone else out. It’s rather unfortunate, but I hope that I can help to open up the community more and offer a showcase for more open development while encouraging others to join the fray! (anyone interested in animating? ^.-)
But yes, what’s the next step? In the LL dev thread I posted a short road-map of sorts and am following that list for now, which when complete should have the animation side of the framework fully functional.

 1 ) Initial release with single player animation, animation import system functioning, triggered via hotkey
2 ) Fix validation systems to ensure compatible animations are called properly
3 ) Implement placeholder stat system without persistence to ensure climax systems work and can be used
4 ) Finish position correct system and implement Pal on Pal (or with player), triggered via hotkey
5 ) Release sample pal animation and proper SDK tutorial
6 ) Implement basic UI with some settings control
7 ) ???
Step 1 is already complete, and 2/3 are partially complete as of this initial release, these 2 will be updated as required while I make my way down the rest of the list. Next I am going to be focused on the positioning and AI system to get multi-character animations working, then work on the validation processes to ensure the system takes multiple actors in-to account properly. Then it’s just releasing the SDK and tutorials for it proper, and then making a simple UI for players to start adjusting animations and settings which currently isn’t possible. Sounds simple enough but there’s a lot of work here to get done. Given how much work there is to get done still I haven’t really set down exactly what I’ll work on next but I will most likely take in feedback from the community when that time comes to figure out what’s next, since once these baseline features are complete the rest is gameplay systems that could be completed in any order without major requirements relying on these systems. The one exception here being persistence, like saving settings, animation adjustments, ect, but I will most likely tackle that when working on part 6 here. Either way, future is looking bright for the framework to be in a proper usable state sooner rather than later! Still, only major concern is getting people to actually make animations for Palworld.

Upcoming Content / Plans

I plan to take it a bit easy for the rest of this week to help prevent any burn-out, but still want to work on Project Sugar Cake and do some AI related works. Nothing really set in stone, having a bit of a late start to this week since SCake took a lot longer in places than expected so I ‘feel’ behind schedule, but also feel a bit exhausted from potentially overworking myself.
1 : Demi-God AI Pack 2
2 : Project Sugar Cake 0.0.2 DEV
3 : Succubus Heart DEV version release