The Commission Write Up - Rates & Yada Yada

Hey All! 

Hope you've been doing well!
I apologize as I've been dragging my feet a bit with getting this out.
Going to finally REALLY be opening up for commissions. I will most likely only take on 1 or 2 at time so as to be able to accommodate requests in a timely manner while still getting animations out for you all to enjoy. This may mean that I may put a request on hold if another is confirmed and approved while discussing details with you. I'm sorry if this occurs, and I hope you understand...

Attached is PDF with details for requests for commissions. Hopefully is clears up most questions.
Pricing is something I can negotiate with you on a bit, and all pricing agreed to is confidential.
Please note that deposits are Non-refundable!
But enough of my rambles...
Attached is a PDF with details, along with images if that is easier!