Future plans

So, January ended with some fan art on "I Woke Up Piloting the Strongest Starship, so I Became a Space Mercenary", I needed to make sure I could keep up that pace.
My next plans are not fanart, but a hentai for an rpg maker. I'm planning to remake Sweet Reserve (scary words). I want to make the game more vanilla and story oriented (less roleplay and choice, alas), to create the mood of a warm fairy tale, scratching the ego with a harem. Those scenes that were in the prologue do not fit this, so everything will be re-created.
At the same time all the masochistic ideas will go into a new NTR game. It will be a crazy surreal feminized ntr in a weird sci-fi world. Unlike SR there will be a disturbing mood here.

The plan so far is as follows: February - first NTR build, March - Sweet Reserve. After that, I'll try to update each of them. But my main focus is on Sweet Reserve.