What It do, Astronauts!

We are ecstatic to bring you news of the second gameplay build accompanying the fourth update on our development progress.

In this update, we've focused on more fixes, stability and optimization to further expand upon the foundation that we will be adding so much more onto. We have also incorporated the use of bluetooth devices so that we can include haptic feedback experiences within the game.

A good amount of time this last iteration of development was lost to financial struggles. Some time was set aside for creating new marketing materials and seeking more support for the project in hopes of attaining funding for more development resources to increase production time. We are extremely dedicated to creating this product regardless of attaining funding. However, Every little bit helps to ensure that we can focus entirely on development so that we can create this product at a faster rate.

New Features:

- Intiface Client connection and UI for lovense and other bluetooth devices
- BBC Dildo Usable Item - added to store
- Watering can is now radius based, Water multiple plants at once
- Bunny nose size is randomized to vary the facial features
- Randomize bunny hip size
- Plants now take damage when picking bud from them without proper tool
- Shears - Garden Tool  - 100% chance to clip bud and deals no damage to plant
- Basket - Garden Tool - Can hold buds and be dumped into chute. Ignored by bunnies
- Add subscribestar link to main menu
- New themed loading screen with key hints

- Upgrade Project to Godot Version 4.2
- Plants between the player focus point and the camera become invisible to improve visibility
- If bunny is holding an item and they reach a hole, they will be forced to completely come out
- Change - When planting a seed, The seed will not sprout until it has been watered for the first time
- Visual improvements to leaves falling when picking buds
- Improvements to Bunny climbing out of hole state
- Update credits menu with subscribestar supporters
- Separate Collisions for selection and physical body for weed bud, Greatly improves click detections and - - - issue with dropping into pack n ship machine
- Reworked Script for sex toy to universally work will all other toys added
- Various Code Stability Optimizations (Call reductions, freed object sanitization, ect)
- Disabled world clicks when opening a menu

- Hide Player UI during intro cinematic, then show when its complete
- Fixed an issue where watering can particles would stay on when being stolen by a bunny
- Fixed an issue where leaves would sometimes not show when picking a bud from plant
- Fixed an issue where freed objects were being referenced, Array sanitization for freed objects
- Fixed an issue that was causing exported build to crash after picking a certain amount of buds
- Fix issue where when bunny peaks out she is sticking out of the ground too much
- Fix issue where items held in hand are stuttering when frames are dropping
- Fix issue where drop areas were not showing when picking a plant bud
- Fix issue where bunny when throwing item they were carrying was floating above them instead of tracking to hand
- Fix Exploit where user can glitch watering can to permanently fill while watering plants
- Fix an issue when stoner bunny steals a bud on the ground it doesnt show the transparent carry mesh
- Fix - Watering can can still water plants when its empty
- Fix - Items carried by drone are not visible
- Center the throttle Marker
- Add the Pack-N-Ship sounds to the proper sound groups to work with sound settings
- Add Seed packet sound to the proper sound group so it works with sound settings
- Add bunny angry sounds to group so they work with volume settings
And More..


We are still only in the beginning of development. We plan to bring so much more new wonderful experiences to our project. We would love to have you be apart of our community and decide which way this project should go.

We look forward to releasing our next update! See you next time!

Best regards, 
Leadreaper Adult Games
