Kelley Quinn's curse strikes again!
Well, I have no idea what to say at this point to make this positive.

The first artist hired for Kelley Quinn failed to inform us that he had also taken on four other commissions when he accepted the job offer, and he had no idea when he would have time to work on a second page. So we parted ways.

The second artist hired for Kelley Quinn kept begging us for extra money while promising to do work and show what he had done to prove that he was working on the comic. After a few weeks of empty promises and constant request for extra money, he was asked to show the work he had done, and he refused to do so. So we parted ways and had to fight with the payment system to get our money back we had prepaid.

And now, our reliable artist who stepped in to take on the extra work to do this comic is currently dealing with a personal family situation. He wants to come back to the comic, and based on his skills and his history working with the project, I want to save the comic for him. So we agreed to pause his comics until his situation is at a place that he can focus on doing comics again.

Instead of hiring yet another artist, this SubscribeStar account is in vacation mode. That means no one will be charged during this time. And it will end when we have a couple of pages ready to go to start posting again.

From time to time, updates will be posted, but for now, understand that no new pages will be posted here for a while.

I personally apologize for letting you all done. I can only do so much in my power, but life happens to everyone else, too. For that, I can't prevent the issues nor can I do anything else beyond going through the work of trying to find yet another artist and hoping they work out.

Not again, not for this comic.

So if you're subscribed, there's no need to unsubscribe. You can contact SubscribeStar if you're worried about the new charges, but from what I read, the vacation mode with do-not-charge should keep new charges from going through.

Hope to have good news in the near future!