From this day on foward I will only post my content here on my SuscriberStar page.
QUESTION: What happened to the Patreon Page?
So as you all have already have probably seen, since about 5 days ago, my Patreon page got under an undefined suspension (Not banned yet) for "non-consensual sex" (Which they didn't explain me details of which scene they got this idea from, so I think it could very probably be some scene related to Nora and her having a rough sex with the MC, or maybe it's any of the Femdom related ones or even any in which the girls aproach sexually the MC, also that I always make sure that every of my scenes I show textually and visually that both parties are in favor of having sex with each other, Now... they maybe took seriously one of those tsundere characters that I have. lol)
Since the moment I got suspended I have been talking with someone from the very famous patreon trust and safety team, and at first:
- They accuse me of doing content that breaks their community guidelines(The first thing that I explained above), something that I cleared up, but then...
- They accuse me of breaking their community guidelines on other external pages that are not patreon, and I had to clarify them that any of those pages where mine, or created/managed by me, and that I have been following Patreon community guidelines on every page where I officially upload my content, such as twitter, pixiv and even Suscriberstar. and after I clear all that up, now they came with another one...
- Now they accuse me that the discord server breaks their community guidelines, so now I have to clarify them that Discord follows the same exact community guideline as them, and that I follow to the very tiny detail their community guideline also on my discord server.
This is getting goofier and goofier by the time, and every time I clarify something up, they come with another random accusation. Which leaves me to think that they are simply looking for a reason to close my Patreon page.
This is an undefined suspension, They could perhaps revoke my suspension someday, but looking at how long they take to answer mails, It could take months for that(Including that I think they will not stop looking for excuses until they find something to use to ban me lol).
So I will not wait that long after knowing that they are just looking every corner to find something to ban me
AND SOMETHING THAT I FIND REALLY FISHY, is that I was not the only one who got a strike like this, at the moment I talked with another 6 game devs that also got their Patreon page banned or suspended(at the same time) so I guess they must be cleaning up or removing the +18 content from their page. (But hey the good thing about that is that I made a good friendship with other devs, Corrupted kindoms dev, TheArcadean is such a really nice guy)
**QUESTION: Will this affect the development of the game?**
HELL NAAH, I am 100% positive here, this project wont be stopped by something like this!👍
And yeah, I know this in someway could be a pain in the ass(And it is), but we cant let this be an obstacle to the project! ❤️
And yet, I had planned in my agenda to switch to SuscriberStar for a long time ago, but I never had the opportunity or the time to stop and do the whole platform transition, and I consider that there is no better time to do it than now.
QUESTION: If your suspension gets revoked? will you continue on Patreon?
Sadly no, the only thing I will miss from patreon is my animated banner of Jeanne and Jazmin which I worked so much SuscriberStar doesnt have animated banner/PFP features yet, so I will need to wait till they have them.
Also that with time, Patreon has been getting more and more heavy handed with +18 content, there are new rules that doesnt even make sense at all like:
- You cant post NSFW content on public post, even if your page is already tagged as +18, if you do you will get all the post with NSFW removed.
- If by any chance in your +18 comic, manga, animation or game your characters give birth to a kid(just giving birth to a kid), so if I in the long future of the game I decide that Nora and the MC have a kid, it would be against the rules, and I would be banned for it, so pregnancy is a big no for them.
- Any kind of FemDom, MaleDom, Tsundere character, Crazy nymphomaniac characters, or highly perverted women, could be mistaken for non consensual sex.
- They literally check everything you do or talk outside patreon, And they will even blame you for stuff that happens on websites that doesnt even belong to you or are not affiliate to you, the artist/creator/developer. so they must be probably be reading this too (So hi Patreon....)
- In terms of koikatsu, anyone who use the default look of koikatsu models could be banned since those model look way too young (I blame japan for that) in my case I highly mod my characters so I never had trouble with that, but I heard from other devs who use the default models that they got nuked because of that. So if you are a Koikatsu Game dev, be aware of that.
And there is a lot more stuff that at the moment I cant remind. But yeah, if there is any dev or artist here that it is on patreon, be aware of any of those stuff.
Even so, If you are a +18 creator I would suggest way more that you just upload your stuff on SuscriberStar instead, since by the time passing, Patreon is getting rougher with their rules.
QUESTION: I am a follower from patreon but sadly I cant support you from suscriberstar what do I do?
I know that there might probably cant support me on suscriberstar, and I will 100% understand it, but if you can please🙏 give it a chance.
I might share my content on other platforms, where you could support me but havent decide yet. so I am open for any suggestion.
And for those who can't support me, at the time, it is okay❤️ it can be another time👍 and you could also join the free/public tier (The Citizen Tier) on SuscriberStar any moment there you will see all the free/public news about the game.
QUESTION: Should I refund my money from patreon??
Yes! I wont be receiving that money, and from what it looks, I dont know if Patreon will refund it, once I get banned, maybe they will, but just in case, cancel your subscription and get your money refunded asap.
Even If I get my page back, I will still close it or leave it empty with another name until I get an idea of what should I do with it...
Those with the discord role, I will leave it there until next month👍 after that the Patreon roles will dissapear, and only SuscriberStar roles will stay
QUESTION: Now that you will be on SuscriberStar, will you change stuff on the story of your game???
If you could please, support me from now on in Suscriberstar! and if you cant at the moment you could always just join the free tier, that will also help me a lot🙏
I am really sorry for all this, I know that moving platform must be a pain in the ass for some of you.🙇♂️
I also want to apologize in advance for the fact that for a few months I will be constantly promoting Suscriberstar heavily, hehe.
I might also bring a few stuff back, like some webtoons stuff related to the game (short side-off stories) I will be detailing all that on my SuscriberStar so please follow me!!!❤️
Glad I was already on this site. I'm also excited to see what new SPICY content is added now that Patreon can no longer limit you!
Hell yeah!!!❤️
Absolutely love your game and only discovered it about a year ago. Found Arc going through the patreon B.S. and felt the need to support, then saw him mention you and didn't realize this patreon attack is this wide so here supporting you too now, hope you don't lose out on too much income and everything goes smoothly, love the game and keep up the great work!
Thank youu! and also welcome!❤️
hell yeah, most excited for no patreon means new content. i long stopped supporting patreon and been using creators other ways of being supported. every since patreon nuked a developer i liked
HELL YEAH! I've been following your game for a long while now (One of my favorite porn games of all time, the intensity and sheer size of things are unmatched) and hearing it's become a subscribestar exclusive is GREAT NEWS! sure, the patreon money is sadly gone, but I'm super excited to see where you can take things now that their bullshit arbitrary restrictions are gone! LETS GET ROUGHER, LETS GO HARDER, AND WAY MORE PERVERTED!!!!!
Patreon has become a totalitarian state, ever since they started taking money from Europe, and moving their HQ there to Ireland. And the restrictions from Credit Card companies certainly don't help. It's my money, let me do whatever the fuck I want to do with it! They've restricted places you can spend so much that you can't even spend on DLSite, or Pixiv Fanbox, or Gumroad. Hell, even SubscribeStar was hit. I'll be supporting you at the $2 tier when month's start rolls around. Can't afford to have any bill in the middle of the month right now.