Entitled to Have You: Su4 - Chapter 1

Suletta glanced over at her phone, checking the time. It’s almost time. She was getting excited about her new pass time: following a very pretty man until he had walked into his house. She didn’t want to hurt the man, oh no. He was extremely pretty and Suletta wanted to make sure he got home safely, even if the man would never actually get to meet her.

Suletta wanted to approach the man but she kept herself from doing so, not wanting to scare him away from her. She took another glance at her phone and when the time changed from 6:44 to 6:45, she heard the bus approach and come to a stop. He’s here. The red-haired woman smiled to herself, making sure to stay inside the shadows, not wishing to startle the pretty green-haired man. She watched as the man stepped off of the bus, waiting to follow after him as the bus took off once he had stepped off.

Suletta couldn’t help the grin that appeared on her face, finding the man irresistible. She wanted to kiss him. I bet he would look pretty blushing. Suletta tried to not think about such things but staring at the taller man had made Suletta excited. The young woman continued to watch over the green-haired man, wanting to make sure he would be able to get home without trouble.

Her eyes darted at every other person who wasn’t the pretty man, not wanting anyone to attempt to hurt him on her watch. She also didn’t want any random person to touch him, not wanting their grubby hands on the man. She knew she would kill them, biting into her bottom lip until her lip started to bleed. She wanted to keep the man all to herself, wanting the man to only have the chance to look at her. She wanted him to be completely hers. She wanted to do nothing except breathe in the man’s orbit. Suletta did wish to talk to the man. She wanted to know the beautiful man’s name. Fuck! Suletta was willing to ruin the fact that she had been following him carefully for the past few weeks.

She was willing to get caught by the man just to have the chance to finally talk to him. She was never close enough to catch his name whenever he was on the phone with someone. She wanted to know his name. God, she would kill to know his fucking name. “Elan,” the man said when he pulled out his phone to answer it.

Suletta’s brain nearly exploded at the way the name fell so easily from her tongue. Holy shit! She wanted to start using the man’s name, and yet, she didn’t want to scare him off. However, she wanted Elan to know that she wanted him. She wanted him so badly, and even so, she wanted to continue to get to know him while following him. She wanted to know his likes, his dislikes, and his favorite things. Suletta wanted to know everything about Elan. She wanted to know if the man would enjoy a kiss from her.

She wanted to know if he was single. If he was dating anyone, clearly, they were not caring for him properly. Suletta knew she would get rid of his lover the same way she would get rid of anyone who would ever dare to hurt him. After all, she knew how to make people disappear. It was one of the things she was known for. She continued to follow Elan, fingering the pistol that remained hidden in her jacket pocket. She didn’t wish to scare the man, which was why she refused to take it out. Suletta knew she would only use the gun once the danger to Elan was too much to ignore, and she figured any type of danger to Elan would be too much to ignore. She only wanted the man to feel safe while walking home.

She wanted to make the man into her pretty house husband. Suletta wanted to dress him up in pretty shirts. I can spoil him and make him want or nothing. The young woman wanted to have Elan in such a way. She continued to watch him as he continued on his merry way, never noticing that he had such a devoted protector.
The next time Suletta was able to see Elan, the man’s eyebrows were furrowed, and he was obviously frustrated. To the woman’s glee, it also wasn’t dark outside. Instead, it was midday, and she had just finished up with a meeting with people she considered unimportant. They weren’t Elan so of course, they weren’t important to her. Elan was the only thing that made her wish she could ask him out on a date.

Suletta decided to approach him, knowing that the worst thing that could happen was that Elan could potentially recognize her as someone very dangerous. “Hello!” She made sure to keep her tone soft as she spoke to him, not wanting to scare him away from her. The man stared at the woman who had started talking to him.

“Hello. Do you need something?” Elan asked. Suletta knew she needed to tread carefully from now on, not wanting to scare Elan. She wanted to get to know him even more, not scare him away from her permanently. “Do you know me?” Elan asked, tilting his head to the side and the action made Suletta mentally gush even more over the gorgeous man. Suletta started to run her fingers through her hair.

“No, I don’t. I would like to get to know you though,” she said with a small smile on her face. Suletta made sure she was being friendly with the man, not wanting him to call the police on her. She knew that once the man explained her appearance to the operator, then they would immediately know who she was and Suletta couldn’t have that at the moment. “Hopefully, that is okay with you,” she resisted the urge to lift Elan’s hand to press her lips to his knuckles. 

Suletta knew that what she was doing was dangerous; after all, she was showing herself to her target. However, she didn’t wish to hurt Elan. She only wanted to love the man.