All stories to be featured are for a 18+ older audience. Please avoid if you are a minor, or else booting you out will be very, very severe :)


Welcome, friends. I'm Viy Sitante and you're currently visiting the place where I get to shill for money! (wait) You can find my website here, along with my store!

I am an ero comic creator who has very little time for comics, but the attempt is still made--and part of that attempt is for my current project HOW CAN HEAVEN LOVE ME, an entity about the nature of love and desire and need. It is meant to be a prose/comic hybrid in an collected form, with art and other goodies interspersed throughout for a cohesive experience. (So I hope, hah!)

I opened this page as an additional "experiment." This is why the tiers are very simple and manageable on my current schedule, in addition to showing exclusive works to this campaign until the time comes to publish the book. 

If you're curious about the project, here's the synopsis as of this writing, along with all the relevant topics, themes, and kinks you'll see on this page.


a story about astemar giralt, a legendary idol singer who also can wield magic and ride robots. Yet at her core, what she wants is a normal life, free of predestined struggle and escapes of personal trauma. At the intersection between old adolescence and adulthood, she meets two men, magnus power and max arizmendi, who will slowly unravel her taut psyche—and in the process, break open their own shells.

a performance of glory: teratophilia/monsterfucking (male/monster!female), xenophilia (male!being/female), child bride (discussion and canon events), drug usage and abuse (discussion and canon events), May/December relationships (primarily older man/young female), BDSM including leather kink, dubcon, child sexual abuse and rape (discussion, reference, and canon events), body and gender dysphoria, trans x cis relationships, exactly one trans x trans relationship (canon and in-passing), oral sex, anal and vaginal sex, a lotta bi sex, gore and blood, pregnancy (discussion and canon events), "politically incorrect" language, possible gratuitous usage of French and Spanish, cultural jokes, and the great sicknesses known as wrangling a Cuban and a Puerto Rican together.

More may be added or changed as time goes by!

If you like a story that takes across years involving three characters who must come to terms with their desires vs reality, and the consequences of such actions, then welcome!

Once in a while, I may share art or comics not related to this project. The same terms in my tiers below still apply!
Speaking of tiers, let's take a look at those, why don't we?


La Juana Boba de Giralt
Public Access Release! Get everything the same day I publish stuff in other places.

Azúcar con Power - Tip Jar
If you can afford it, just a dollar will do. Early access to all art and comics before I publish them. If I can remember it on time, likely a week before publishing. You will get the rewards from the previous tier as well.

Arizmendi Alley - Gimme the Goods!
If you can afford it, just five dollars will do. You'll have my undying gratitude and, at my liking, art and comics (at any stage) that I'll publish later for free, in addition to art and comics (any stage) that will only be seen in an eventually collected (print or digital) edition to share with you. You will get the rewards from the previous tiers as well.

"Cuando Colón baje el dedo..."
Just here for the lulz, as the kids used to say. If anyone ever gets this, I'll figure out what to offer then. In any event, you will get the rewards from the previous tiers as well if this happens.


This page uses the INSTANT CHARGE (30 days cycle) payment method, which means that when you subscribe, you are charged immediately at whichever cost you pledge. So if you pledge and are charged $5 USD on June 20, then next time you will be charged $5 USD on July 19, then $5 USD on August 20, and so on and so forth. I would prefer there to be a "charged per post" to make it fairer for everyone, given my schedule, but SubStar doesn't offer that option. It is what it is.


I don't know, dude, you ate some milanesa today? It's great.