Bug-Reports (and general issues/feedback with the game) 

This is a repost of an old patreon post

How to report your bug/issue/feedback :
The main point of contact is my mail adress 
A mail system is infinitely better than any platforms, because I can setup rules to organizes things, search easily an item, etc...So, here's how to help me take care of the point you're making : 
  • In the subject : Include a tag like [bug], [issue],[feedback] so I can quickly sort out things.
  • In the body : Mention the release version, the behaviour you're getting, the behaviour you were expecting. If possible, give the maximum information about where you were( in game location), what you were doing, which event led to the unexpected behaviour. If you know where to find it, you can send me the player log. You can also send me screenshots.

How bugs will be adressed for now : 
I know how bugs and issues can spoil content delivery, so bugs-handling will be a priority task for every release. 
Each bugs you adress me is categorized then prioritized :
Criticity 0 : the issue is making the game unplayable for 100 % of playerbase. This will of course be adressed in an hotfix in a matter of days.
Criticity 1 : the issue is making the game unplayable for some players. Depending of the number of player affected, I will either release an hotfix, or prioritize the resolution for the next release if an alternate way of getting unstuck exist (debug command for example...)
Criticity 2 : the issue doesn’t prevent the usual gameplay and cause major annoyance. If possible, this issue will be prioritized to be resolved on the next update.
Criticity 3 :
the issue doesn’t prevent gameplay and cause only minors annoyance. A lot of small,minors bugs fall here. The priority is obviously low, and the resolution is handled as soon as I have a little bit of time or if the subject is relevant to something I'm working on.

I don't want it to sound too directive either, it's merely a guideline for thoses who wish to report something but don't know how to. Of course, I'll still reply here, don't worry about that !