Hey everyone,

it's time for another progress update!

The last two weeks I was mainly working on getting the base framework for the truth or dare game done as well as adding the actual content for it.

Here is a short overview of what's done so far:
-The Truth or Dare base framework: 100%
-The truth part of the game: 90% (All of the questions and answers are already in the game, I just want to extend them a bit more)
-The dare part of the game: 5% (I only started working on it two days ago)
-The MC interactions 0% (will be done once the two above are done)

It also turns out that the dare part of the game is actually going to be much more work compared to the truth part. But that's because the dare part is where most of the action happens and I also want every character to react to each dare a bit different, with different dialogues and variants depending on stats.

But so far the progress has been going very well and at a steady pace. If you want to get a first look at it, I just uploaded a new Alpha version for my supporters but keep in mind that it's still very unfinished.

Like I mentioned in my last post, I will only be able to work on the game again sometime next month but once I feel better I will let you know and resume work as fast as I can.

That's all for this week's progress update, see you all next month~