Mind and Body Control Ring 

Part 1 

John Wilson

John's Father, Carl, was a wealthy man who didn't take too much care of his son. He traveled a lot for work and was rarely at home. Carl, John's Father, was an industrialist who had to travel a lot to do his business. This wasn't a big problem for John until his mother passed away. His mother passed away when John was 7 years old. She had become ill and died rapidly and suddenly. John didn't have an opportunity to adjust in any way, if that was even possible.
After his mother's death, his Father traveled even more than usual and spoke less to John. Carl obviously found it just as difficult as John did to get along without his mother. Because John was still a child, Carl decided to hire a nanny to look after John for now. This went quite well at first, but John still felt abandoned. His Father saw that John felt ignored and tried to compensate by spoiling him with gifts. At first, this helped, John was quite popular at school because he always had the newest and most modern toys, but after a while this changed, and he realized that his classmates were only being friends with him so that they could have access to his toys. As soon as he realized this, he decided to isolate himself. He withdrew and began to avoid his classmates, which had led to his so-called friends turning away from him and even acting against him and making his life difficult. They even went so far that they began to tell lies to the teachers, which meant that John had an increasingly difficult time at school. Naturally, his grades suffered as a result. John was bullied by his classmates and if he ever fought back, his classmates turned it into him being the one to blame. The teachers believed the students and John had to go to the principal more and more often, got detention, community service and was even suspended.
His Father was aware of the developments, but couldn't imagine that it was just down to his classmates. Carl had several conversations with the principal and the teachers, who also convinced him that it was John's fault. Carl didn't know how to deal with it without stopping traveling, which he couldn't do. So the two became more and more distant. John had given up meanwhile and tried to stay out of everything. He had just turned 19 and was in his final year at school, after which he would transfer to university and move to another city, as he had already agreed with his Father. Both Carl and John thought it would be a good move and that John could perhaps have a fresh start.
John was on his way to school. He walked a lot and as it was a beautiful summer morning, made the most of the opportunity. He was walking down the street, not paying much attention to his surroundings or thinking much about anything, when suddenly he felt something hit his head. His hand went up to his head and he stroked the spot where he had been hit. He had heard a bright sound and stopped. He looked up at first as he continued to stroke his head, and before he looked down at the ground. Furthermore, he was sure he had heard something and was now searching the ground. John looked around and turned, he was sure he had heard the noise from behind him, he continued to look at the ground but couldn't see anything, he shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.
"Must have been a stone or something," John thought to himself and was about to move on just as he saw something in the bushes. It sparkled and John walked towards it, as he got closer, he realized it was a gold ring. He stood by now in front of the ring and got down on his knee before taking the ring in his hand.
The ring was now resting between his thumb and forefinger and John examined the ring closer, he could now see the square frame that had a black diamond set into it, the whole ring was decorated with runes that John couldn't recognize, he just felt some sort of power emanating from it and something told him to put the ring on. He continued to turn the ring in his hand. The ring was as good as new, it was shining and bright and didn't have a single flaw. He had stood up by now and looked around again, he was by the road and there were no houses nearby, he couldn't see anyone either, so he wondered where the ring had come from. John looked at the ring again and had the urge to slip it over his finger. It was almost as if the ring and his ring finger were attracting each other, and John felt something he was unable to identify, it was there, but he couldn't tell what it was or where it was coming from. He continued to look at the ring and agreed that it was too big for him. He took a deep breath, wondering where the urge to put the ring on his finger had come from.

Chapter 2 Yes he puts on the ring

Chapter overview