Hi and welcome to my page! 

All my animations feature Fictional Fantasy Characters/Anthropomorphic Monsters who Consent to their Animations.
I'm BH or BonkerzHonkerz, and I make erotic animations mostly centered around the lovely ladies of Warcraft, and their escapades around their diverse world and all its inhabitants. Who knows what kinds of messes they'll find themselves in?
  • My animations are usually made to loop with each usually lasting around 10 to 20 seconds.
  • However, from time to time I will create longer animations centered around a more fleshed-out and voiced scenario, These will usually range between 1 to 5 minutes of runtime.
 What do you get for supporting me? 

More support means more content for everyone as I will have more free time to finish and plan these animations!
I also want to let you in on the process of what I make. This includes early access to HD/4K downloads and poll voting power to contribute your ideas in these animations.
  • HD downloads open to the public after 1 week)
Subscribestar Flexibility?

My content on Subscribestar will be similar to what is provided elsewhere. However, this platform allows creators to be a bit more flexible with the content they provide.

As such all the polls here will include partners such as Worgs, Horses, and any other Creature/Monsters of the like that I have models for.
  • Here is a link to the current poll here on Subscribestar - Current Poll

Thank you for your time, and I truly hope my work entertains you! For all things public concerning my animations and other works here is a link to my Twitter/X