Further Education Episode 4 (v0.4) Progress Update and Sneak Peek #5

Okay, I've decided to extend this chapter a bit, not enough to make a Pt.1 and Pt.2 but enough to really, I mean REALLY make this chapter fleshed out.
Now, It's getting harder and harder to post an update since almost every frame is a spoiler, there's always a cute moment in my stories that I can share with you all.

So, numbers huh-
Renders: 1023/1700+ (Previously 1500+)
Coding: 35% done actually! I've done it in the background and even though VSCode lags a quite a lot, it's doable.
Proofreading - After coding.
Music/Sound - Music WAS DONE - now I'm looking for more diagetic music, SFX? Well that's done now.